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Diversity of a Different Kind

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Because conflict is unavoidable, you’ve just left a conflict, you’re currently in a conflict, or you’re hading for a conflict. Diversity of a Different Kind will teach you how to think a different way and help you to find solutions when conflicts arise.

Within the pages of this book, you’ll explore a dozen differences common to man that often lead to discord and gain valuable knowledge of a new approach to resolve conflict and live a more joyful and peaceful life as a result.


Diversity of a Different Kind is an incredible book that provides insight into God’s strategic plan to unify people through His design of diversity within humanity. In his book foreword,  Dr. Tony Evans states,Diversity of a Different Kind is one of those one-of-a-kind books that will open up to the reader a new paradigm for healing wounds, restoring relationships, addressing and correcting sin, and unifying the church that is so desperately needed today.” (Read full forward below)

Oletha Barnett is one of those unsung heroes of the faith who plays a strategic role in the Kingdom of God. Her uniqueness lies in how she has kingdomized her legal background to help develop and lead the reconciliation ministry at our church in Dallas.

Scripture is clear that matters of division and differences are to be handled by the church, not secular courts. Oletha leads teams of mature believers in hearing disputes between members and seeking to bring reconciliation, healing, and unity out of conflict. And yes, when necessary, church discipline when required due to sinful rebellion.

On a regular basis Oletha adjudicates cases referred to her and her team that allows us to be the church and not just talk church. As other churches and ministries have become aware of this aspect of our ministry, Oletha is being called upon to help them understand the biblical and necessary process for churches to apply God’s principles of reconciliation in their ministries.

God uses our diversity, differences, and even our disputes to grow us spiritually into mature followers of Christ. This book is essential reading for believers and Christian leaders who desire to utilize God’s method of addressing our various diversities in a righteous manner without denying the uniqueness that has been given to us by our Creator.

Diversity of a Different Kind is one of those one-of-a-kind books that will open up to the reader a new paradigm for healing wounds, restoring relationships, addressing and correcting sin, and unifying the church that is so desperately needed today. In a world rife with the issues of division of every kind, this special work will show how God’s people operating on God’s principles can bring God’s solution to a broken culture starting with the church.

Dr. Tony Evans
President, The Urban Alternative
Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship

Endorsements for Diversity of a Different Kind

Conflict is everywhere in our world today. That means dealing well with conflict is important. Looking at conflict from a variety of angles, Diversity of a Different Kind takes us on a helpful journey on how to deal with conflict. Reading this book will help you think about how to face conflict and potentially work through it to unity and peace.

Executive Director for Cultural Engagement, Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and Cultural Engagement; Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies Dallas Theological Seminary

Oletha Barnett has wisely discerned that God has built diversity into creation in order to give His people the opportunity to demonstrate the humility, patience, kindness, and forbearance of Christ as we weave our differences into a beautiful tapestry of diverse gifts and callings that build the church and bless the world.

Diversity of a Different Kind really helped me understand that we are created for unity. God absolutely oversees our conflict assignments of bearing the cross to bring glory to the King of Kings. Oletha inspires the reader to daily unity and an eternal calling through the ministry of reconciliation. God restores His peace in our relationships through the reconciliation work of the cross.

God uses our diversity, differences, and even our disputes to grow us spiritually into mature followers of Christ. This book is essential reading for believers and Christian leaders who desire to utilize God’s method of addressing our various diversities in a righteous manner without denying the uniqueness that has been given to us by our Creator.

Diversity of a Different Kind is one of those one-of-a-kind books that will open up to the reader a new paradigm for healing wounds, restoring relationships, addressing and correcting sin, and unifying the church that is so desperately needed today. In a world rife with the issues of division of every kind, this special work will show how God’s people operating on God’s principles can bring God’s solution to a broken culture starting with the church.

Oletha Barnett has worked extensively in the area of conflict resolution, as well as in the legal profession. With so much discussion nowadays on diversity, she bridges the gap theologically through insightfully recognizing that diversity is one of God’s tools to teach us how to grow in unity, and how to mature as Christians. She brings a breadth of research, knowledge, and expertise to this discussion. More than that, she brings wisdom, heart, love, and care to the table. I speak as one who has been blessed to be the beneficiary of her expertise and her care in this vital testing ground of conflict resolution.

Differences seem to be tearing apart families, communities, and our nation, but Barnett shows us that God designed our differences to unite and grow us. Her new book Diversity of a Different Kind shows us how to use our unchangeable differences (our spiritual gifts, personality, race, generation, and gender) as well as our changeable differences (our religion, politics, experiences and socioeconomics, personal preferences, and views on social justice) to bring God glory and experience joy and peace. Barnett combines her legal expertise with decades of teaching conflict resolution classes at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas to create a fresh, distinctive approach to resolving conflict. Her book is practical, timely, and peppered with biblical support. I’ve known Oletha for many years, first as a student, and now as a co-laborer in Christ and friend. I trust her and highly recommend Diversity of a Different Kind.

Oletha Barnett’s book reflects her careful thinking, theological education, and extensive experience in conflict resolution. She handles Scripture wisely and relies on its truth throughout the book. The key insight that diversity is part of God’s good creation takes it from the realm of social theory and places it in the bright light of God’s purposes and gifts. I recommend the book for anyone who is serious about following Jesus and seeking help in navigating the challenges of conflict.

Diversity of a Different Kind may well have been entitled Sanctification Through Ordinary Differences. Using everyday language and very relatable stories, Barnett presents the complex nature of the Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification in our lives through the diversity of God’s creation. She highlights the opportunities we Christians have, to respond to diversity in a way that benefits ourselves and those around us. With a biblical roadmap to reconciliation, she challenges each Christian to live out their vocation in the ministry of reconciliation.”

A veteran peacemaker and certified Christian conciliator, Oletha Barnett asserts a simple but profound point: God created us as diverse people so we might learn to become more like Christ and grow in spiritual unity and maturity. She then insightfully and boldly describes a dozen types of differences that often divide people but need not do so if we follow her biblical counsel…. She repeatedly directs us to God and His Word as the power source for gospel peace and unity amid our differences.

Oletha Barnett has written a must-read book for anyone committed to spiritual growth and reconciliation. Read this book and learn, among many things, how God uses our differences to grow us. By the end of the book, your heart, spirit, and mind will truly view conflict and diversity differently.

An easy read turns into an important read. As I read Barnett’s latest offering of   rich ministry experience and Godly wisdom, that is how I felt. It is hard to think   of something more important than the health of a local church for both her leaders   and congregation. Diversity of a Different Kind offers wise counsel toward both   the individual/leader and the congregation as a Body.

In her introduction we read, “God designed diversity to grow us into Christlikeness.”   It could not be said more profoundly. For the following 178 pages, she describes through stories, illustrates and instructs from Scripture, and provides examples from her personal life (one example of which I am in), bringing this challenging subject to life.

We are all impacted by our upbringing. Our bent toward sinful actions is only surpassed by how boldly we hold to sinful attitudes. Barnett’s reminder and exhortation to focus on Christlikeness goes far beyond the typical approach to diversity.   Instead of seeing differences (clearly present), to see unity! My how the Church needs this message.