I had judged her evil behavior.
Lambasted her by phone, not pointing her to the Savior
Pricked by the Holy Spirit, I called her back.
So grateful to God for having my back.
I confessed my sin and judgment of her
My ugly tongue had wounded and hurt.
She cried and said she was in a rut
Wanted to get out, shake loose and make the cut.
Sin had a grasp and wanted to hold her fast.
She was continuing in sin; hard letting go the past.
God is faithful for every deep rut you want to leave.
To Him, please cleave, cleave, cleave!
As I fast forward and look at today as compared to then.
She seems stronger and more faithful than I have ever been.
She encourages me and lifts me up.
She’s a giant, and I’m such a pup.
She’s fearless and stands strong in extreme adversity.
She is an inspiration to behold for the world to see.
Love others even in their sin.
You don’t know where you or they will end.
You haven’t always been where you are.
Pain may be gone, but we all have a life scar.
How you treat people does matter.
God’s not through with him or her.
We’re all in life’s boat together
Support each other and become better.
Think about it.