Your brain could blow a fuse.
What is life, it may muse?
The philosopher says ponder, am I real? How do I know I exist?
You asked the question, that alone proves you exist.
The fact that you asked me shows we co-exist.
If you think you don’t exist, stop eating to subsist.
If you stop for a period of time, you’ll stop questioning your existence,
Before long, you’ll rush to nourish your being as you need sustenance.
If you don’t take sustenance, we’ll attend your funeral.
Look at your coffin; know you existed, a sad memorial.
Foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
Pondering nothingness leaves an empty void.
Wise to ask intelligent, probing questions.
Questioning existence is no such suggestion.
Discussing your existence has no relevance,
Leaving your care of greater matters in negligence.
The better question is, what should I do with my existing life?
Follow God to avoid foolish questions, misery, and strife.
He awesomely created you for His glory.
Your confusion comes from another story.
Think about it.